Combar’s officers and committees
Combar operates through its Officers and the members of its Executive Committee.
Its Officers and Executive Committee members are members of Combar who serve voluntarily after being appointed in Combar’s Annual General Meeting.
Combar’s present Officers and Executive Committee members are as follows:
Chair: Alex Gunning KC (One Essex Court)
Vice-Chair/Treasurer: Henry King KC (Fountain Court Chambers)
Secretary: Philippa Hopkins KC (Essex Court Chambers)
Chair, International Committee: Anneliese Day KC (Fountain Court Chambers)
Consultation Chair: Fionn Pilbrow KC (Brick Court Chambers)
Executive Committee members
Natasha Bennett (Fountain Court Chambers)
Yash Bheeroo (3VB)
Anna Boase KC (One Essex Court)
Andrew Fulton KC (Twenty Essex)
Gemma Morgan (Quadrant Chambers)
Tom Mountford (Blackstone Chambers)
Thomas Munby KC (Maitland Chambers)
Laura Newton (Brick Court Chambers)
Georgina Peters (South Square)
Alex Potts KC (4 Pump Court)
Michael Ryan (7 KBW)
George Spalton KC (4 New Square Chambers)
Combar Chambers’ Committee Representatives
Matthew Abraham (South Square)
Stuart Benzie (Radcliffe Chambers)
Emily Betts/Louis Zvesper (Gatehouse Chambers)
Timothy Frith (Lamb Chambers)
Veronique Buehrlen KC (Keating Chambers)
Edward Cumming KC (XXIV Old Buildings)
Nick Daly (Fountain Court Chambers)
Gregory Denton-Cox (4 Stone Buildings)
Anton Dudnikov (Essex Court Chambers)
Harry Gillow (Monckton Chambers)
Orlando Gledhill KC (One Essex Court)
Hannah Glover (3 VB)
Ben Griffiths (Erskine Chambers)
Michal Hain (Twenty Essex)
Richard Harrison (Devereux Chambers)
Simon Hattan (Serle Court)
Michael Holmes (7 KBW)
Ben John (Maitland Chambers)
Simon Johnson (Enterprise Chambers)
Chirag Karia KC (Quadrant Chambers)
Zulfikar Khayum (Atkin Chambers)
Timothy Killen (2 Temple Gardens)
Luka Krsljanin (Blackstone Chambers)
Roger Laville (Five Paper)
David Lascelles (Littleton Chambers)
Kate Livesey (4 Pump Court)
David Lord KC (Three Stone)
Shail Patel KC (4 New Square)
Georgina Petrova (Brick Court Chambers)
Richard Samuel (3 Hare Court)
Justina Stewart (Outer Temple Chambers)
Daniel Stilitz KC (11 KBW)
Carlo Taczalski (Crown Office Chambers)
Karishma Vora (39 Essex Chambers)
Sarah Walker (Selborne Chambers)
John Wardell KC (Wilberforce Chambers)
Henry Warwick KC (Henderson Chambers)
Hermione Williams (New Square Chambers)
Emile Yusupoff (The 36 Group)
Individual Members’ Representatives
Nicholas Gibson (Matrix Chambers)
Shobana Iyer (Swan Chambers)
Duncan Macpherson (1EC Barristers)
Combar also operates a number of sub-committees who have responsibility for particular aspects of Combar’s activities and operations. The following are presently Chairs of these committees:
Advocacy Committee Co Chairs: Rupert Allen and Nehali Shah
Africa Committee Co Chairs: Andrew Onslow KC, Abdul-Lateef Jinadu
Consultation, Policy and Reform Committee Co Chairs: Fionn Pilbrow KC, George Spalton KC; Penelope Nevill and Chris Bond
Continuing Education Programme Co Chairs: George Spalton KC and Michael Ryan
Gulf Committee Chair: George Spalton KC
Saima Hanif KC (3VB)
Sophia Hurst (Serle Court)
Ali Al-Karim (Brick Court Chambers)
Timothy Killen (2 Temple Gardens)
James Leabeater KC (4 Pump Court)
Khadija Leuenberger (36 Stone)
Zoe O’Sullivan KC (Serle Court)
Philip Punwar (Outer Temple Chambers)
Andrew Spink KC (Outer Temple Chambers)
Justina Stewart (Outer Temple Chambers)
Karishma Vora (39 Essex Chambers)
Inclusivity, Equality and Diversity Chair Anna Boase KC:
Sub Committees:
Black Inclusion Chair – Zulfikar Khayum
Women’s Equality Chair – Georgina Peters
Disability Chair – James MacDonald KC
India and Asia Committee Co Chairs: Sudhanshu Swaroop KC and David Brynmor Thomas KC
Junior Combar Chair: Andrew McLeod, Vice Chair Ravi Jackson
North America Co Chairs: Jeremy Richmond KC, Tom Mountford
Offshore Committee Co Chairs: Rosalind Nicholson, Georgina Peters, Alex Potts KC
Pro Bono Initiatives Co Chairs: Andrew Fulton KC and Alice Carse
Student Mentoring Committee
Chair: Alexander Wright KC (4 Pump Court)
Sarah Abram KC (Brick Court Chambers)
Adam Baradon KC (Blackstone)
Emily Betts (Gatehouse)
Lucy Colter (Four New Square)
Stephen Du (7KBW)
Philippa Hopkins KC (Essex Court Chambers)
Adam Kramer KC (3 VB)
Ben Lask (Monckton)
Angharad Parry (Twenty Essex)
Leonora Sagan (Fountain Court)
Nick Sloboda KC (One Essex Court)
James Thompson (Keating)
Ben Woolgar (Brick Court)
Wellness and Mentoring Committee Co Chairs: Thomas Munby KC, Chloë Bell and Oliver Caplin KC