
The work of the Commercial Bar places heavy demands and responsibilities upon practitioners. Accordingly, COMBAR regards maintaining the wellbeing and mental health of our members as a matter of vital concern – not only for them personally, but also for their clients, the tribunals before which they appear and the commercial dispute resolution system as a whole.

COMBAR strongly supports the ongoing efforts across the profession, led by the Bar Council and others, to support wellbeing, to remove the stigma which has sometimes attached to open discussion of these issues and to build healthier working practices for barristers and their staff. We are committed to furthering those efforts in the context of the Commercial Bar; and endorse the positive steps taken by many COMBAR sets of chambers, and individual members, in this regard.

At COMBAR, we believe that the mental health and wellbeing of our members are crucial to their professional success and personal fulfilment. We are committed to supporting initiatives that promote healthier working practices within the Commercial Bar. By doing so, we hope not only to enhance the lives of our members but also to improve the overall quality of service provided to clients and in the commercial dispute resolution process.

– Alex Gunning KC, Chair of COMBAR

The following external resources may be of assistance for COMBAR members and sets of chambers:

COMBAR resources and programme which may be of assistance include:

For questions or comments in relation to Combar’s wellbeing provision, please contact the Wellbeing Sub-Committee care of admin@combar.com.