21st February 2024 – Panel Talk on the Supreme Court’s decision in PACCR

This will be a panel talk on the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in PACCAR and related issues concerning costs and funding of commercial litigation. We are looking forward to hearing from leading practitioners from the Bar, law firms and a litigation funder.

The talk will take place in the Ashworth Centre lecture theatre, Lincoln’s Inn from 5.45pm – 6.45pm.

It is open to members of COMBAR only. Pupils are welcome.

The event will be hybrid and recorded.

18th January 2024 at 6pm– Online Pupillage Panel and CV Workshop Jointly hosted by the Chancery Bar Association, COMBAR and TECBAR

The Chancery Bar Association, COMBAR and TECBAR, are delighted to jointly host a pupillage panel and CV workshop for those interested in pupillage at the commercial and chancery bar. We would especially welcome those from under-represented and non-traditional backgrounds and a number of such barristers will also be taking part.

The Panel will be chaired by Zulfikar Khayum (Atkin Chambers) and include Lucy Garret KC (head of the pupillage committee at Keating Chambers), Michael Walsh (Secretary to the pupillage committee at Serle Court Chambers) and recent tenants Neil Dowers (4 Pump Court) and Sheriar Khan (Atkin Chambers). The panel will discuss and provide some guidance in relation to the pupillage application process in general.

There will then be a CV workshop undertaken on an individual basis with at least twenty commercial/chancery KCs and junior barristers, all of whom have relevant experience in a wide range of commercial and chancery practice; many of whom act as pupil supervisors or mentors to aspiring pupils. This is an invaluable opportunity to hear from those experienced in reviewing pupillage applications and to receive a one-on-one CV review from a barrister specialising in commercial/chancery practice. Barristers from a wide range of sets including Atkin Chambers, Brick Court Chambers, Keating Chambers, Littleton Chambers, No.5 Chambers, One Essex Court, Quadrant Chambers, Selborne Chambers, Serle Court Chambers, 2 Temple Gardens, 3VB, 4 Pump Court, 4 New Square, 7 KBW and 39 Essex Chambers will be taking part.

All are welcome. Membership of ChBA, COMBAR or TECBAR is not required. Participation in the CV workshop is limited to 45 places. Those wishing to participate should sign-up on the following registration page: Registration is now closed for this event.

While participants are still welcome to register for the webinar, the CV workshop element is now oversubscribed, please do not send your CV in. Registration is now closed for this event.

24th January 2024 – Mr Justice Waksman – “Woods, Trees and the Big Picture: the Art of Judgment”

In this talk Waksman J will consider the challenging decisions to be made by barristers and judges in heavy litigation and how to deal with them; the importance of perspective and context; silo and strategic thinking; the use of intuition; good and bad points; the concept of co-operation; the judicial nudge.

The talk will take place in the Ashworth Centre lecture theatre, Lincoln’s Inn from 5.45pm – 6.45pm.

It is open to members of COMBAR, ChBA and TECBAR only. Pupils are welcome.

The talk will be aimed at Juniors but all members are welcome to attend.

The event will be in-person only. We are now at capacity, apologies for any inconvenience caused.

1st November – Junior COMBAR Breakfast for Pupils – Now Full

On 1 November 2023, Junior COMBAR will be hosting a breakfast for those undertaking a commercial pupillage to meet and socialise. The event will run from 08:15 to 09:30 at Essex Court Chambers. Pupils at all COMBAR sets are welcome. A range of continental breakfast options will be available.

The event is now at capacity.


13th November 2023 – COMBAR Wellbeing Committee – “Sleep: How it works, what can go wrong, and how to improve it”

Have you ever had a sleepless night before a hearing? Do you find your sleep suffers during challenging cases?

COMBAR has arranged for a seminar from sleep expert Dr Mike Farquhar, a consultant in sleep medicine at the Evelina Hospital in London.

He will be providing a talk tailored for COMBAR members covering aspects of the physiology of sleep, what can go wrong with our sleep when we encounter unfavourable stimuli at work, and what can be done to better one’s sleep in and around the (sometimes) unavoidable stresses and strains of the job. The talk will be followed by a Q&A, and a drinks reception.

The talk will take place in rooms at the Ashworth Centre Lincoln’s Inn from 5.45pm

It is open to COMBAR Members only. Pupils are welcome.

13th October 2023 – Africa Breakfast Meeting – Cape Town –“How to Africanise African Arbitration: What needs to be done”.

The COMBAR Africa Committee will be hosting a breakfast meeting in Cape Town during the African Arbitration Association Conference.  Any COMBAR Members attending the AfAA are invited to attend.

The meeting will discuss “How to Africanise African Arbitration: What needs to be done”.

The meeting will be held at the Regency Hyatt Cape Town and will start at 0730 and is expected to finish at 0830 to allow guests to move to the conference.

To register your interest in attending the meeting please email admin@combar.com

See more information on the work of the COMBAR Africa Committee here.

COMBAR Annual Lecture 2023

The Annual Lecture will be delivered by

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Popplewell 

on Tuesday 7th November at 5.30pm, in Gray’s Inn Hall

on the subject

Judging truth from memory

looking at the implications which the current state of scientific research on memory has for evidence and fact finding in commercial litigation

Wine and refreshments will be served after the lecture – All  welcome

The lecture is now oversubscribed to be added to the reserve list, please email admin@combar.com


DATE CHANGE 25th October 2023 – Mr Justice Foxton and Mr Justice Nicklin “Article 10 ECHR – What Commercial Lawyers Need to Know”

Please note the date change from the 4th October due to the Rail and Tube strikes.

Mr Justice Foxton and Mr Justice Nicklin will give a talk followed by questions.

The talk will take place in rooms at the Ashworth Centre Lincoln’s Inn from 5.45pm – 6.45pm.

It is open to COMBAR Members only. Pupils are welcome.

The event was hybrid and the recording may now be viewed in the Members’ area of the website.

How to secure a pupillage at the commercial Bar – Virtual Short Talks for Students

Future commercial barristers are invited to Join Legal Cheek on the afternoon of Tuesday 25th July for a series of virtual short talks, delivered in partnership with COMBAR.

Neil Dowers, 4 Pump Court; Emily Betts, Gatehouse Chambers; and Nick Sloboda, One Essex Court will provide students with their top tips for pupillage applications to commercial sets, as well as an invaluable insight into what life is like at the commercial bar.

They will also explore COMBAR’s mentoring scheme, which pairs individuals from groups who are under-represented at the Bar with practitioners from COMBAR member sets, and how the scheme can help you to secure a commercial pupillage.

This is a virtual event aimed at students and graduates. The short talks will be followed by an audience Q&A.

 Apply to attend – You’ll be asked to submit two questions for the speakers.



18th July 2023 – Junior COMBAR Canapé Reception at Blackstone Chambers

Junior COMBAR invites COMBAR members of ten years call or under to a summer canapé and drinks reception hosted by Blackstone Chambers  (EC4Y 9BW) from 6pm to 10pm on 18th July 2023.

Members are encouraged to attend and socialise with their peers across Junior COMBAR, pupils are also welcome. A range of canapés  and beverages will be available, with drinks served on the terrace (weather permitting).

The event is now at capacity and no further registrations are being taken.