A lecture in memory of Edmund King QC, 8 March 2022

COMBAR is pleased to announce that on 8 March 2022, at 5.30 p.m. in the Ashworth Theatre, Lincoln’s Inn, Mr Justice Foxton will deliver a lecture in memory of Edmund King QC. Edmund was a distinguished member of Essex Court Chambers and of COMBAR who died in December 2020; he is much missed. The title of the lecture will be “What did the French ever do for us? Historic and prospective French influences on English law.” The lecture will be live streamed but it will also be possible for members of COMBAR to attend in person, and we anticipate that many will wish to do so. Please indicate your intention to attend by registering at admin@combar.com


Lady Rose will be speaking about “Judicial decision-making: case studies from biblical times and now” on 1 December at 6pm

1st December at 6:00pm
Large Pension Room
Gray’s Inn

The United Kingdom Association of Jewish Lawyers & Jurists (UKAJLJ) in conjunction with TECBAR, COMBAR, and THE CHANCERY BAR ASSOCIATION are delighted to host this fascinating talk by Lady Rose, a Justice of the Supreme Court.

This event has been generously supported by Gray’s Inn, Tecbar, Combar, and The Chancery Bar Association.

Please register attendance as places are limited. The talk will be followed by a drinks reception.

RSVP by email to: ukajlj@jewishlawyers.co.uk

Combar Annual Lecture 2021

The Annual Lecture will be delivered by Dame Elizabeth Gloster DBE, PC on
Monday 22 November at 5.30pm, Gray’s Inn Hall. The title of her lecture will be “What, if anything, can the Commercial Court today learn from commercial arbitration?”

All welcome.

Wine will be served after the lecture.


UK – Middle East Legal Services Week 6-8 July 2021

The Ministry of Justice is organising a UK-Middle East Legal Services Week on 6 to 8 July 2021, hosted by Lord Wolfson of Tredegar QC. Details can be found here

The aim is to take delegates on an insightful virtual journey with expert industry insiders who will lead engaging sessions for law firms and chambers that want to expand their global footprint and explore business opportunities across the Middle Eastern markets. Sessions will draw on both the opportunities and challenges for growth in key sectors, including Financial Services, Infrastructure and Lawtech. A significant number of leading speakers have been confirmed. Please see attached.

COMBAR seminar on judicial careers

There will be a seminar on Tuesday 23 March 2021, at 5.30pm, for those considering a judicial career. Speakers will be Lady Justice Carr, Mrs Justice Cockerill and others to be confirmed. Zoom details will be sent to COMBAR members nearer the time.