“Top Advocacy Tips for Commercial Juniors”

The Honourable Mr Justice Foxton, Sonia Tolaney QC, and Conall Patton QC will present this zoom event at 5pm [please note earlier start time] on Monday 29 March 2021. Pupils are welcome to attend. There is no need to register in advance.

Zoom details will be sent to COMBAR members nearer the time.




Black Barristers’ Network Event – A Barrister’s Guide to Ranking: Q&A with Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500 – 22 February 2021

A Barrister’s Guide to Ranking: Q&A with Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500 – will take place on 22 February 2021 from 5.30pm – 7pm. If you would like to attend, please book your place here.

During this 90-minute Q&A session, both directories will provide a brief overview of how their ranking systems work before answering your questions. The focus of the event will be on individual rather than organisational level submissions to provide barristers with a clearer idea of how to make an argument for your chambers or firm to support your application; and what you can do to make sure you are ready to apply.

This event is aimed at practising barristers and clerks, particularly those who have Black barristers within their chambers.

Before the session, attendees may wish to watch the Chambers and Partners’ November 2020 “How To”webinar which provides some background to their processes although the BBN event will be specifically tailored towards Black barristers.

Attendees are encouraged to send questions in advance using the event registration form or via email to info@blackbarristersnetwork.org.uk


A Dutiful Boy: A Discussion with Mohsin Zaidi

A joint event by ChBA, COMBAR, TECBAR and A&O.  The London barrister and author of memoir A Dutiful Boy, Mohsin Zaidi will be joining us for a conversation.

Mohsin’s book focuses on his experiences growing up gay in a strict Muslim household as well as addressing themes of race, class and mental health.  A Dutiful Boy, named in the Guardian and GQ Magazine‘s Best Books of 2020, is a coming of age memoir about Mohsin Zaidi’s life. Mohsin grew up in east London in a devout Muslim household in which being gay would be inconceivable. A young closeted Mohsin attended an inner city school where violence was a fact of life and his drive led him to become the first person from his school to attend Oxford University. At university, he was able to be his true self but when confronted by his father, he was invited to be ‘cured’ by a witch doctor.  Mohsin will discuss his battle with shame and the long journey to acceptance him and his family faced, overcoming religious and cultural barriers in the process.  Please register by clicking here. This session will be recorded.

“The Silk Application and Life as a Junior Silk”, 23 February 2021

23 February 2021 – TECBAR, COMBAR and ChBA  are jointly hosting a panel discussion “The Silk Application and Life as a Junior Silk” from 5.30pm-6.30pm. This will be administered by Gray’s Inn.

The panel discussion and Q&A session will  be led by Siân Mirchandani QC of 4 New Square. The panellists include:

  • Mrs Justice Cockerill, Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, DBE
  • Mrs Justice O’Farrell, Judge in Charge of TCC, DBE
  • Mrs Justice Bacon, Chancery Division, DBE
  • Russell Wallman – Chief Executive of the QCA
  • Andrew Walker QC – QCA Selection Panel
  • Claire Packman QC elect – 4 Pump Court (2020 silk)
  • Nichola Warrender QC elect – Quadrant Chambers (2020 silk)
  • Saima Hanif QC elect – 3 VB (2020 silk)
  • Clare Dixon QC elect – 4 New Square (2020 silk)
  • Myriam Stacey QC elect – Landmark Chambers (2020 silk)

We welcome all practitioners (barristers and solicitors) and practice managers. This includes more junior practitioners who want a better understanding of what the application and life in silk entails. Questions can be sent to the email address below and will be addressed by the panel.

This event is organised by the Equality and Diversity Sub-Committees of TECBAR, COMBAR and ChBA and has been generously supported by Gray’s Inn.

RSVP by email to paula@4pumpcourt.com


Commercial Court 125 seminar: 7 September 2020

The Commercial Court, as part of the celebration of the Court’s 125th Anniversary, will be presenting its first virtual seminar in collaboration with London International Disputes Week on 7 September 2020 from 1400-1730.

The seminar: “Year 126 and onwards: planning for the future of London’s Commercial Court” will reflect on key issues for the Court’s future: the lessons from the recent use of remote hearings, and new developments in both the Disclosure Pilot and the approach to witness statements. The event will be chaired by Lord Justice Flaux, Supervising Lord Justice for the Commercial Court, and each panel will include one of the Court’s judges as well as experts from the bar, solicitors, clients and academia.

You can register for the event at https://cc125seminar.opus2.com/register.