A Combar/ChBA joint working party has been looking into a number of issues that have arisen when barristers have gone on secondments to professional or lay clients.
We are pleased to announce that following discussions with the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund (“the BMIF”), the BMIF has extended the scope of its indemnity to cover barristers on secondments lasting up to six months and who were in self-employed practice before the start of the secondment, to the extent that the institution to which the barrister is seconded does not provide equivalent cover.
Combar-ChBA Secondments Guidance can be found here
BMIF insurance and conflicts protocol can be found here
Barristers are reminded that when on secondments they are obliged by rS18 of the BSB Handbook to have in place an agreed protocol to deal with actual or potential conflicts of interest. Combar/ChBA has produced a template protocol which can be found on the Combar website and Combar members are encouraged to use that template protocol where possible.
The joint working party will be producing further guidance over the coming months and its focus for 2018 will be on international secondments.